Linda Sarsour, the darling of the Islamist/Leftist consortium of anarchists currently trying to overthrow the United States government is at it again. In a stunning seditious address to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) she unapologetically and emphatically called on Muslims to wage jihad in America against duly elected President Trump and the White House by saying:
"We (Muslims) are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad . . . but here in the United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House. . . . Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community. It is not to assimilate and to please any other people in authority. And our top priority . . . is to please Allah, and only Allah."
Linda Sarsour is openly fomenting insurrection and allegiance to Allah in pursuit of the Islamic goal to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and impose sharia law worldwide. Why hasn't Linda Sarsour been arrested and charged with treason??
It seems the noisy Brooklyn born Palestinian-American Muslim needs a refresher course in American democracy. In America we are still ruled by secular American laws and the United States Constitution. We are not ruled by religious Islamic sharia law. So, if Linda Sarsour prefers an Islamic government she is free to live in any one of a number of Islamic theocracies in the world. The tolerance that American democracy has extended to multiculturalism reaches its tipping point when Islamists, whether foreign born or natural born like Sarsour, demand that America submit to religious sharia law and become dhimmis in their own country.
All across Europe the consequences of Western nations tolerating intolerant Muslims are manifest. It is cultural suicide to import masses of Muslim immigrants with hostile cultural norms. It is a fiction of the Left that Muslim immigrants will assimilate. To the contrary, the mass immigration of Muslims into Europe and America is HIJRAH - a form of population jihad that is endorsed, encouraged, and rewarded by Islamic sharia law. Sharia compliant protesters like Sarsour are advancing Islam in America in an effort to replace American democracy with religious sharia law. Her allegiance is to Allah and not to America - she is an enemy of the state.
Again I ask, Why hasn't Linda Sarsour been arrested and charged with treason??
Immigration without assimilation is invasion. Americans have been duped by the left-wing liberals and the colluding mainstream media into believing that the worldwide refugee "crisis" is a humanitarian calamity. The only humanitarian calamity is the stunning willingness of the West to be duped, invaded, submit to Islam, and become dhimmis in their own countries.
How did America reach the point where an Islamist like Linda Sarsour can publicly address a Muslim group also seeking to conquer the West and openly call for jihad against the President of the United States without being arrested and charged with treason??
The answer is that for two generations Americans have been indoctrinated in left-wing liberal tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism brought to America courtesy of Tavistock Institute in a deliberate effort to destroy American democracy and American dominance in the world.
Since the end of WWII the globalist elite of the world have been colluding to internationalize the world and create an unimpeded global marketplace to enrich themselves and further their goal of imposing one-world government. Described unapologetically by aristocrat Lord Bertrand Russell sixty-five years ago in his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society, one-world government is a binary socio-political system of elite rulers and an enslaved population who serve them. The United States emerged from WWII as the dominant military, political, and economic force in the world - invincible, impenetrable, and impregnable - and the single greatest obstacle to one-world government.
The destruction of America was impossible from the outside in - it would have to be accomplished from the inside out. Tavistock Institute was exported to the United States from England to accomplish psychologically what was impossible to accomplish militarily - the destruction of America from within. Islamists were exposed as having the same goal in papers found in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search:
"The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers..."
Ex-president Barack Obama became a radical Leftist tutored in the value of community organizing by radical socialist Saul Alinsky. Obama entered the world stage as the face of globalism and an internationalized world. His disingenuous campaign of hope and change were code words for destroying American democracy and replacing it with socialism. Hillary Clinton, also a radical left-wing socialist follower of Saul Alinsky, was to be Obama's third term.
The destruction was envisioned sequentially: Public indoctrination toward collectivism through education and mainstream media -> break down of established morality and cultural norms of behavior -> create social chaos -> impose martial law -> impose socialism -> internationalize police force -> impose one-world government.
Independence of any kind, particularly critical thinking skills, poses a threat to tyranny - the goal was complete passivity and dependence upon the government because a dependent population is easily manipulated. This explains Obama's anti-American policies that crushed the economy, weakened the military, incentivized government assistance, and indoctrinated American children toward socialism. It also explains Hillary Clinton's stunning remark that "we (Democratic Party) need an unaware and compliant population."
The Obama Leftists and the Islamists joined forces to bring down America from within - and then came President Donald Trump who shocked the Left by beating Hillary in the presidential election. President Trump is an unapologetic American patriot who believes in American sovereignty, American exceptionalism, and making America great again. He is the existential threat and enemy of one-world government today just as America was the existential threat and enemy of one-world government after WWII.
The Islamists and radical Left have common cause to destroy American democracy. What both are too arrogant to understand is that the globalist elites who fund the Left consider both parties to be useful idiots whose sole purpose is to create overwhelming social chaos. The globalist elite have every intention of eliminating or enslaving both the Islamists and the Leftists as soon as the police force is internationalized. The globalist elites have no use for social chaos makers in their one-world government.
President Donald Trump is the only force standing between democracy and the return to a world of masters and slaves.